Monday, March 30, 2009

Question to the world ....
Will I ever find this blog again?

Going forward & dodging the rocks

Well here I am (again!) trying the blog scene ...... yes....... I admit it ........ I have created and abandoned many blogs ......there was bikegirl...girlspoke (ha ha?)....mtbgrl....grider and these are only the ones I can remember! Wheelgirl is here for the long ride.

So ... clearly I like to ride.


  • I love the sense of achievement I get from travelling from point A to B, harnessing my own movement and motivation.

  • I love the freedom - I can follow any path I find or make my own (wheel explorer).

  • I love the movement - always forward, the smooth tika tika tika of the chain running it's ring, slogging it out slow & hard, or fast & furious, always going forward.

Unless there's a rock .... in the middle of the track .... I could go left or could go right........ too late .... rock says STOP and I fall off ..... blood & bad words. Hmmm, my goal is keep going forward and dodge the rocks! It's simple Pedal Philosophy really.

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