Sunday, May 31, 2009

Arrragh.... ithere's a bad taste to my blog

Ok. I shall not give in. I have these awesome tasty tags in my account just waiting for me to work out how to connect the two .... you may note that I have tagline on my blog (hint. go to blog settings, add a gadget,choose javascript). I have had great fun adding my tags, love love love my cloud ..... so...small. Arragh my belly is rumbling.. time for tea. Tomorrow is another Library 2.0 day, Scarlett.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

where oh where can Week six be?

The license2testdrive fans turned up this morning eager to discover this weeks theme - but alas we are disappointed. No Week Six has been loaded! So we revisited wikis, rss feeds and flickr! So watch this space....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Waving the white flag!

I surrender! SOS. I now have two RSS feed accounts: bloglines and google reader. Great. How do i make these feeds show up on my blog? not my bloglines blog or my google reader blog - wheelgirl's blog! I have now spent 90 minutes on this. Maybe the RSS feeds are not meant for my blog? Surely not ..... what would be the point? It is very frustrating navigating in and out of all the different accounts to access different communication technologies. Though - is it more likely that you (as you people out there) would in fact only use ONE of these technologies not all of them all at once. My arm is hurting from the vigorous flag waving!
And don't even get me started on twitter .... there is no-one in twitter but me I'm sure......but maybe I'm quacking up. Quack quack.

Emerging grumble

Ok - I just need to get this out of my system. Why....why....why? is it that each new technology we have been playing with require yet ANOTHER account, password & username?

I have a Flickr account with it's own username & password; a twitter account; a gmail account required for blogger; a yahoo account required for bloglines and a google reader account............. is it any wonder I wheelie don't know who i am!
Sigh........hmmmmmm......... feel better now......thanks for reading!

Silly twit

Silly me.... I think my twitter name is...either wheelgirl or wheeliemel. Why do i not know? Because i cannot find me again.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Chocolate Bike!

The Chocolate Bike!
Originally uploaded by freddy
My dream bike! What a way to go.

All rosy

Pink roses
Originally uploaded by elsief1
Phew - now I can relax and smell the roses.

Bench Monday: Bike! Edition

Bench Monday: Bike! Edition
Originally uploaded by abchao
OMG! Thanks to my friends I have finally done it. The photo is NOT what is important here - it's the act.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sleepless twittering

I have sent my twitter out into the social networking world ....... and now I will await a responding twitter. Not quite sure who from ....... or how I will know as I wheely did not want to give my mob though I bravely added my blog URL ..... tomorrow is another day Scarlet!

wikis r me

I love wikis..... a wiki is simple and makes sense...... no fuss and fanfare. Wookieepedia was particularly educational (and who can resisit a wookie?) and the discussion posts very entertaining at 11pm on a Saturday night ... truly (the repair droids are editing havoc apparantly)! Some of the wikis didn't even look like wikis - though I don't mind the blockish good looks of wikipedia etc - no distractions or waiting time for cosmetic loading. My only gripe would be the need for the dreaded login and access required for member-only wikis - gripe over. I wheely like wikis!

giving the flickr

I have failed flickr ...... don't know where I've gone wrong. I found a photo that I can copy and paste it's link into my post using the image button, it tells me it's done..... but I don't know. Maybe I am sending the photo somewhere? Do you have my photo? Wheely not cool dude.

However, I shall continue as I am way behind. Luckily I feel I will do better with the wiki - I use a wiki @ work and a wiki @ uni. Wiki on .............

Well Watson?

Hmmm ....... something is amiss dear Watson! The URL to the photo I found and supposedly published just a few minutes ago is not where it should be. Try again....

wheel art

Finally ...... made a Flikr account, found a wheel cool photo. This required a bit of backwards and forwards, not as simple as it first appeared to be, in and out of screens etc.

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