Adventures of a Wheelgirl in a 2.0 World

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This is living!

Check out the YouTube Video and watch the beginning carefully and you will see me running up the hill to collect the Blackheart Adventure Race Leg 1 map before I sprint into the distance.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

INF215 test

This is a test for INF215. I think this program has huge potential.  wheeliemel

Monday, October 26, 2009

Web browsers r not wowsers!

I use a web browser every day at work and at home and yet I have never given a thought as to what it is or how it does what it does . . it was just there. I took my web browser for granted basically. I made the switch a while ago to Google Chrome and we have been very happy together, Google Chrome is fast, organized, looks funky (very important!), plays well with iGoogle and I love the way it thumnails my recent browsing. However . . Firefox has heaps of add-ons that would be very useful to me . . in particular the Stumlbeupon feature. How cool . . Firefox will get to know me and then go out into cyberspace out hunt out sites and information that matches my interests! What a great little friend. So, move over Google Chrome, FireFox is making a reappearance on my home pc. Who will win my defaulted heart? Stay tuned. . .

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Lost trail runner podcast

Don't know that he will motivate you to run . . unless it's away (LOL?) . . his voice sent me to sleeeeeeeeep.
Oh well - onto iTune podacasting. Stay tuned ya all!

Vegout Podcast

Will this podcast work? Not sure . .

Monday, October 5, 2009

Mashup Monday

I have spent the last hour exploring plum mad dog mean mashups! And they r mean! Very clever and cool. i loved the Portwiture but failed the test (twit that i am!) to mashit my very own portwiture to my blog. Then I discovered Gimme Shiny . . another test failed as you can see I have added something that sounds quite awful but is harmless To clear my name this is the help page of Gimme Shiny - a mashup of images from Flickr and deviantART. Very cool pics in a slideshow. I'll keep working on it.
IRONY: Y is it that almost every vodcast demostrating new and emerging technologies uses old technology (such as paper, pen and whiteboard!) 2 explain it's creation and application? Hmmm . . the ulttimate mashup I suppose!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Online tools and applications - sounds exciting doesn't it? well actually, when we finally had a small win with the pc's at work and could view the videos (no sound mind you!) some of the applications looked great. Like the Geogreetings - love that! And I like GoogleDocs - very easy to use and share. I am playing with circ rosters in GoogleDocs at the moment to see if this will make viewing, sharing and editing rosters faster and maybe even fun (ok - it's all going to my head now!).

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